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We are HSE Habitat for Humanity. 



We have a vision: A new beginning for a family within in Hamilton County. Contrary to common belief, there is a huge demand for affordable housing within our own backyard. As of 2017, there were over 60 families in need of a home throughout our county. 


Look around. You probably won't  see it behind the hopeful eyes, but the person standing next to you might be struggling to afford a decent place to live. 















Meet our partner families. Meet dedicated, hard-working individuals who are doing everything in their ability to make ends meet. This often involves multiple jobs and little time to worry about anything but survival.  We support those who are working to construct a better life, but need our support along the way. 


We want to advocate for affordable housing and bring a student body together to raise enough funds support the building of a home for a local family in need. We whole-heartedly believe that everyone deserves a place to call home. 

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"Not only build a new set of frames, but a new life for a family"

As a campus chapter at Hamilton Southeastern High School, we organize fundraisers and community events  to support Habitat for Humanity of Hamilton County. By the end of each school year, we strive to completely fund a panel build for the construction of a new Habitat for Humanity home. Our students are the hands and feet of this organization, and will join together with the community in order to not only build a new set of frames, but a build a new life for a family in need.





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